part three of kenny`s part in the root relay

The running out of time relay baton had been moving steadily down the UK in the time I was in London, I got up early and went to see my friend that was filming the just stop oil protests, these were taking place around parliament every day for the whole of October, this time I did march with them and it was wonderful, its great to feel you are not alone there is others that are trying to do something about this whole worldwide clusterfuffle, we are the few that care, I have on numerous occasions previous to meeting these wonderfull humans, felt; that I was the only one that cared, I went marching in Glasgow for cop26 totally alone there and back, I never even had a friend to talk to about it, as there’s absolutely no`0ne in my community that cares at all, they all say they do of course – but that’s because they have been socially conditioned by the media to say they care, its like saying that your fit but not actually keeping fit, speaking of being fit - I was marching in my running clothes and running pack with my friends of just stop oil, I am not as brave as them (yet) I was not at this stage willing to be arrested, the protesters including me (I am definitely that) are given the opportunity by the police to leave the march before your arrested, I said my goodbyes sadly, saying; I had the relay to continue as my weak excuse, then; I literally ran away - secretly hoping the police were trying to follow , stupid I know! there was probably a series of cctv`s using facial recognition tracking me the whole weekend for all I know. With my tail on my chin, I’m easy found, the police wouldn’t have to give chase, I used to be paranoid but now I know they are after me lol
I had lunch with Claire we had a walk round the Thames with her speggy legs from yesterday’s exertions coping well, both of us follow meat and dairy free diets which makes for finding food outlets difficult and frustrating at times for us, we found an excellent place I have sadly forgotten the name of? It was in Southwark near the golden hind where the vegan options were - plentiful reasonably priced and tasty, its rare to get all three of these! This area reminded me somehow of the fond memories I had of taking my bike on the walkway under Thames near the cutty sark that summer while cycling the NCN1, I bought mum a postcard from the golden hind, this was at a time she was still proud to call me her son, not now that I am one of them I am now a source of embarrassment, me and Claire had a walk round the markets then Claire walked me to the train station, I was getting a late-night train to Nottingham, to be reunited with the running out of time relay baton,
On arrival in Nottingham the town centre was mega busy! mostly with what seemed to be young students I never realised it was a university town, as I walked through the dark streets passing by various pubs there was countless young loud drunks the sort you only notice when sober I suppose, I started to need the loo (number 2 loo) what to do? , - a poetic moment, there was a very large Wetherspoons I opted for this as it was so busy nobody would notice someone in running clothes pop in and out, this went okay -although; the toilets were under pressure, with young men being sick and obviously having bowel problems, I left the toilet satisfied that!- that will do me for the night,
I was collecting the baton at 02;20 outside a tiny Tesco in Sherwood, the irony off running with the relay baton through what was once Sherwood Forest the home of Robin Hood! - famous for taking from the rich and giving to the poor, this country these days does the opposite our leaders take from the poor and give to the rich, I was disappointed that it wasn’t the vast forests of the children’s book I read and/or the films I seen as a child, it was much like any other urban area up and down the country, I knew before I left Scotland I would have this time to wait for the baton to arrive and that everything I had with me these last few days, I would have to run with in my pack, which;- although small it had my bivvy bag some food water and some warm layers, I also had an emergency blanket which would be enough to keep me warm during a snooze in my bivvy as I waited for the baton to arrive, I had a few hours,. So; I looked for some trees to hide among, it wasn’t a great hiding spot it was near a road that was busy and noisy - even with my ear plugs in, and at one stage even a drunk stopping for a pee struck up a conversation although I tried to ignore him! after a couple of hours two people came running down the road towards the bus shower I was by then sitting in waiting, they handed the baton to me a little earlier than the planned 02;20 we had a brief exchange then a quick photo then - I took off; I had three stages to do the first would take me back into Nottingham centre then out to the southern district, where I would be met by someone to join me for the second stage, using my phone to navigate through town, I had difficulty working out where our meeting place was as the description given on the relay site did not appear upon my phone, as a distraction I was getting a lot of attention from the drunks exiting the pubs even yet still at this early hour! with one young guy even being a little aggressive at me for not stopping to show him what I was carrying, eventually with some help from lom (next stage runner) who had by then contacted me to ask where I was? I turned the corner to greet her, we then had a really good conversation running mostly alongside canal banks taking turns to hold the baton it was very enjoyable to be in Company running through the night, especially as Lom knew the way, sadly we parted as I entered the Attenburgh nature reserve to run this next section alone through the dark woods, which; I thoroughly enjoyed right up until! - I realised I had run too far! joining a canal at the far side of the nature reserve, I had ran happily (dreamily doh) under a canal bridge i had wrongly presumed the marina i was heading tyo would be on the canal!, I ended up running under the road where; - I should have exited to the main road I had to then double back - then find my way to the poor runner who now had to make up my the time that I had lost - sorry fella! I was supposed to be there at 0520 I am now not sure how late I was, but; I was later assured he had made-up the time,
this left me alone in a place called long Eaton at 5:30 in the morning not a problem for me, I simply walked to the main road and checked bus timetables? at that time of the morning - there was one every 30 minutes back into Nottingham, to stay warm I walked to the next bus stop with only five minutes to wait before a bus arrived, I asked the driver to let me know when the bus was near the main train station, then; took a seat on the busy bus among people obviously heading out to start their day’s work, I had my train ticket back to Scotland pre booked giving me time at the station to have a wash & change into dry clothes in the toilets, have a warm coffee in the cafe and get some snacks for the train from a shop, pleased with myself and my weekends work! I enjoyed the train ride home once home the baton was now away out of any help I could be and had plenty hands to cover its distance to dover, I could have a week at home before restarting the chase ( guessed) I used this time at home wisely to pack organise plan and also went to see the excellent Sinead O’Conner film – nothing compares, what an amazing film I wondered what happened to her and now I know, they tried to bury her they didn’t know she was a seed, I use that saying about her often now, and: feel the same about roger H - buried in prison for his politics right now - his seeds are growing


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