a wee update on my activism and escapism

I kept my fantastic journey across Europe to Bulgaria and back off social media, I I no longer fly for environmental reasons, if I was doing this journey by bus trains or boats as I have in the past then I would have enjoyed sharing the fun with others on Instagram, but I took a car leaving myself wide open to right wing criticism of hypocrisy, I don’t have the energy to battle that negativity right now! It was a fantastic adventure; I apologise to future generations for the diesel I wasted BUT; be assured the policy makers and transport system designers are responsible for this wastefulness my carbon footprint is tiny in comparison to theirs I made sure I got back from this fun trans-European road trip to veliko Turnovo in Bulgaria -from home and back again, in time to be a Marshall for the first time in my life! after more than 35 years of taking part in running events, I am actively giving something back to the running community, scurry events had asked polmont Communit...