a week in the life of me at the mo

Current updates of CAT activities or a week in the life of someone navigating the community asset transfer system Monday morning I returned from a weekend away in Warrington by train, I had very little time to do anything except, - prepare for a talk I was doing to students at Glasgow uni, it was about the just transition movement and climate change, I’ve talked about this plenty other times at other events, but this one - I had prepared some slides for the lecture theatres projector, I wanted time to go over these before getting up to speak, all the text messages then came in about the PCH being mothballed regardless our work, Ma Heid wiz pickled! No time or brain space to go over what I had planned – I had to wing it, The organiser of the lecture said I was awesome and; - she said it with joy in her face (she meant it) , I could then get back to texting about the PCH and agree to meet up Tuesday morning, which clashed with the start of the funders fayre, needs must everyone needs...