land by sea Montrose film fest

Climate focused film festival I booked up Scotland’s first climate focused film festival at Montrose as soon as I heard about it, the announcements of what films were going to be on etc. took a long time to become available to book, so; I was a bit disorganized as the weekend approached, in the end I booked a £25 all day Saturday and Sunday ticket this turned out to be a fantastic bargain, Montrose is situated on the main East Coast Line to Aberdeen - it’s well served by trains I got the train at midday and arrived with plenty time on the Friday afternoon before any of the films started, I had opted not to buy a ticket for the opening night film not because I didn’t like the sound of the film – (it was called the Golden thread) it was a launch night reception with canapes stuff that I can’t really be bothered (I’m not a posh type) with, this wasn’t cheap which is fine if you like canapes, I went for a run when I arrived, running out towards the old fire training g...