
Showing posts from June, 2022

how I discovered what is meant by a just transition

What does a just transition mean? Being a supporter of Greenpeace gets me a subscription to their newsletter, one such newsletter I received contained a link to a film about something called a just transition? This piqued my interest as it appeared aimed for North Sea oil and gas workers. Having at one time been in that industry and still many friends and family in that industry, I was interested to find out what this film was about? After watching it I could not work out what the message was or who it was aimed at? It seemed to be aimed at people like me who worked for climate criminals, an encouragement to get new work in environmentally friendly workplaces, the message seemed to be saying that the oil and gas industry were bad employers anyway, which is fair enough, I left the industry with a bad impression of the employers throughout this industry so; I couldn’t agree more, I suppose it had been a growing disillusionment for me at that time, I was becoming incr