
Showing posts from November, 2020

kenneth is my name

  Today 28/10/20 I attended my cousins burial this is during the time of covid19 social distancing, which meant there was no large groups to attend a funeral parlour we could stand around the graveside social distancing then only close family members were going for coffee and cake at the leapark, the col cuz ken was laid into the family plot beside his niece his brother his mum and dad and grandparents, as we watched on me in my running gear! First time I had attended a funeral in running clothes but they were all black in fairness to me and I know for sure the cool cuz wouldn’t mind he was getting buried in crocodile skin cowboy boots and the jazziest shirt you can possibly imagine, I know he would be fine with me looking like a ninja foot to head in tight black clothing,   Mum was there of course, she views herself as the last of the Cameron’s which is fair enough as she was attending her nephews funeral a Nicol aunt Kates married name, I wondered if mum was reflecting on one out